Privacy Policy

Effective Date – March 16, 2022

Welcome to (the “Site”). Privacy on the internet is of vital importance, particularly for business transactions on our Site. This Privacy Statement details our policies in regards to visitors who come here (Visitors), with an intention of transacting business on this Site (“Visitors”). Visitors who do not intend to transact business but still utilize your daily insurance services (“Authorized Customers”).

Personal Identifiable Information” (PII) can be defined as information that identifies an individual as “Personally Identifiable.”

Personally Identifiable Information, commonly referred to as PII, refers to any data that can be used to directly or indirectly identify an individual, contact them and locate them – this includes names, addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers, emails addresses, social security numbers and credit card details of an individual. PIO does not encompass data obtained inadvertently (without intention to identify its owner) or demographic data that does not associate to identifiable people.

What Personal Identifiable Information (PII) will be collected?

At our website, we may collect basic profile data on all visitors. Through Authorized Customers we also gather details such as their names, addresses, phone numbers and emails – in addition to gathering the dimensions and nature of their company as well as type and amount of advertisements they plan on purchasing or selling.

Which organizations are currently collecting this data?

Not only do we collect information directly, but third party service vendors (banks, credit card companies and banks) who offer credit, insurance or escrow service may also collect it from Customers and Visitors of our Website. While we cannot control what these vendors do with this data, we should inquire as to their usage – for instance some may simply act as intermediaries and don’t store or utilize it themselves.

How does this site use Personally Identifiable Information (PII)?

Personally Identifiable Information is used by us to customize the Website, produce suitable service products and fulfill sales and purchasing requests submitted via the Site. We may contact Visitors or Authorized Customers regarding research opportunities available on the Site as well as information related to its content; additionally we use Personally Identifiable Information in responses to questions or requests for details from visitors or authorized customers.

Whom may the data be distributed?

Personally identifiable information of an Authorized Customer may be made available to other Authorized Customers looking at potential deals between themselves, as well as to our associated agencies and third-party suppliers. Customers also have an option of “opting-out” of receiving any communications or solicitations by either our company itself, or from agencies working on our behalf.

Where is my Personally Identifiable Data kept?

your daily insurance ensures the privacy and confidentiality of Personal Identifiable Information collected. Any Personal Identifiable Information that we gather remains inaccessible to anyone or your daily insurance employees other than for use as indicated herein.

What options do visitors have in terms of collecting, using and sharing data?

Visitors and authorized customers may opt-out from receiving unwanted communications or solicitations by us, our vendors, or affiliated agencies by responding directly to emails sent by Maharashtra or reaching out directly.

Cookies for Users

A “cookie” is the name given to a string of information stored by websites on users’ computers as well as what the browser sends back every time the person visits that website.

Are Cookies Used on This Website?

Cookies serve many functions on, such as gathering visitor preferences and tracking their choices of services. We also employ them for security reasons to protect our authorized customers; in the event that an authorized customer registers when the website hasn’t been used in more than 10 minutes we will immediately log them off. Those who prefer not having cookies installed should disable them prior to accessing but keep in mind certain web pages may become ineffective without their use.

Our service providers utilise cookies.

Our service providers use cookies on our site, which may be placed onto your PC during browsing sessions. You may be able to learn more about which types are utilized on our Cookies Information Page.

How does your daily insurance use login data?

your daily insurance utilizes login details such as IP addresses, ISPs and browsers in order to analyze trends, manage the Site, track user activity and activities and collect broad demographic information.

Which partners and service companies have access to personally identifiable information provided by visitors and/or authorized Users on the Website?

your daily insurance has entered into and will continue to sign agreements and alliances with various suppliers. Companies may access and utilize specific Personally Identifiable data about Authorized Customers, and are required to be aware of criteria for assessing service admissibility. Our Privacy Guidelines detail how this data may be collected or utilized. Disclosure of Personally Identifiable Data in order to satisfy legal requirements. In such an event, we will divulge Personally Identifiable information if required by court order, subpoena, or request by an enforcement agency to do so. Likewise, PIN could also be provided in order to protect customers and visitors’ safety.

What method is used by this site to protect Personally Identifiable Information securely?

Each member of our staff is highly informed about our Security policy and guidelines, with PIN information from visitors and customers only accessible by a select few trained employees who have received an access code to access their data. At our offices, we regularly review our security procedures and systems to ensure they remain effective and up-to-date. Sensitive information like credit card and social security numbers is protected with encryption protocols designed to safeguard data transmitted over the internet. Although we take reasonable measures to secure our website, electronic communication and databases remain vulnerable to human errors or tampering or break-in attempts; while we cannot guarantee these will never occur. Neither are we liable to customers who are Authorized Visitors should such incidents arise.

How can Visitors correct any inaccuracies in Personally Identifiable Data?

Visitors and Authorized Customers may contact us in order to update or correct their personally Identifiable Information by sending us an email at

Users of the Site can delete or block access to their personally identifiable Information stored by the Website?

Visitors and Authorized Customers have the option of deactivating Personal Identifiable information by contacting us, but due to backups as well as records of deletions and backups it may be challenging to remove an entry made by a user without leaving certain data behind. Any individual requesting to have Personally Identifiable Information deactivated will have their details erased as well as us not sharing or making use of that specific person’s details in any future way.

Your Right to Privacy These are your rights under data law protection.

Access Rights, Correction Rights and Erasure Rights can all be found here as well as rights to Restrain Processing (such as Opposing any Processing ) and Data Portability Rights ( including the ability to lodge a Complaint with an Authority Supervising Data Processing ). What Happens if My Privacy Policy Changes

Notify our Authorized Clients and Visitors of modifications to our privacy policies by posting the new policy on our Site. In case these modifications could lead to the disclosure of Personal Identifiable Information that the Visitor or Authorized Customer had previously asked not be disclosed, we will notify them so that they may ask their Authorized Customer not to disclose such data.

Links: may include links to other sites. Please be aware that if you click any of these links, you are being directed away from and into a different website with differing privacy policies from our own. It would be prudent for you to read their policies prior to clicking through as they may vary significantly from those we offer here.